Tuesday 11 October 2011

Gonnae gie's a wee swally...?

One of the things that Europeans like to do is look down on America as uncultured and lacking a certain refinement that comes with having about 1000 years of history behind you. The election of ol' George Dubbya did nothing to dispell this. One way in which this European disdain for America comes out is in beer and cheese snobbery, something I also have been guilty of in the recent past.

This snobbery, at least on my own part, was based on the "big" American beers like Miller, Coors and the Bud family. Although a sample size of 3 is sufficient to calculate a standard deviation and allow statistical inferences to be made, it is not necessarily a representative sample. So, purely in the interests of science, I have spent much of the last 5 weeks expanding my sample size to try and allow firmer conclusions to be made about American beer. Some people would call this being a piss-head, but as I was drinking in the innocent pursuit of fundamental truth, I call this field-work. In fact, I am doing field work right now, with a rather delicious Porter made locally at a wee brewery in Virgina. Below is a picture of my lovely field assistant, Dr Chaput, assisting me at one of our field sites.

The field site shown above is from a pub called Rock Bottom which, bizarrely, is one of a chain of microbreweries  - only in America could you take something which is supposed to be grassroots and turn it into a chain! On our first visit to this field site, we saw that there were 7 or 8 different beers on offer - a brown ale, red ale, run-of-the-mill lager, an IPA, a I-can't-believe-it's-not-a-German Weiss beer, and a couple of others. Each of these beers were actually rather tasty, apart from the brown beer which tasted just a little bit too much like brown ale for my taste (I hate Newcastle Brown Ale). What was even more surprising was that Dom enjoyed most of these beers as well, her favourites being the red ale and the blonde beer.

Further field trips have yielded a very interesting and delicious ale made from pumpkins, from the very oddly-named Dogfish head brewery, found in Delaware (east coast, roughly in the middle). There have also been some good offerings from a wee Brewery in Colorado with the slightly country & western sounding name of Blue Moon Brewing company. Although the name of the brewery puts me in mind of a guy called Hank singing Honky Tonk blues because his dog shat in his pick-up truck and his wife ran off with his brother, the beers themselves are quite pleasant.

So far, I've only had a chance to sample maybe 1 or 2 dozen different beers, so this research project is still in its infancy. However, preliminary findings indicate that some very agreeable beers can be found in this oversized country of extremes, if you're willing to take a bit of time to explore and talk to people. I've head of more microbreweries nearby which I will have to seek out and sample (research often involves personal sacrifice), but so far so good...

P.S. Bud and Miller are both carbonated, chilled urine, but most Americans would agree.
P.P.S. In the US, Budvar is called "Czechvar" in this country. Ridiculous, but funny.
P.P.P.S. I can't report much about USian wine yet, because I've been too excited trying all the South American Malbecs...


  1. Brilliant work! I'm hoping to see some real data and graphs to go in a submission to plos one. I'm so jealous of you getting to drink so much malbec....mmmmmm. This chat reminds me of the colorado beers actually. When I was there near Keystone (Breckenridge) there was a bar down the high street which served so many different beers I didn't know where to start. I suspect it may take a good week to go through (or two days in your case Mick). Defo worth a visit on the weekend if you are looking for stuff to do plus there is the added bonus of mountains, altitude (aka getting drunk faster) and the cold. ;)

  2. 'ello Lacey! There have been some lovely Malbecs, and only a couple of poor or averagey ones, so happy days! Good to hear about the bar in Colorado, although at 1750 miles and 2 time zones away, it might be a little bit too far for a weekend away! ;)
